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Executive Committee


Digital Media & Communication Committee


Program Committee


Nominating Committee


Bylaws Committee


Special Events Committee


Elections Committee


Membership Committee

Executive Committee

This committee comprises the officers of the Club, as well as the immediate past president, the municipal chairperson of the Franklin Township Democratic Party, and the webmaster of the Club.  

The members execute the following responsibilities:

  • meet on a regular basis to discuss/determine the mission of the Club 

  • schedule Club programs and events that enhance the Club’s mission 

Digital Media & Communication Committee

This committee manages the Club’s website and social media accounts, aiming to share information and news with the public that will attract members to the Club and communicate information about Democratic issues and values.  Members are responsible for:


  • recommending enhancements to the content of the Club's website 

  • writing text for website

  • suggesting and writing text for the Facebook and Instagram pages

  • researching/identifying images that can be used on the social media pages; taking photos when needed


Length of term for members:  2 years, or longer 

Co-chairs Deana Luchs & Jocelyn Thomas

Program Committee

Program Committee
This committee recommends the themes and speakers for the Club meetings (usually 10 or 11 per year).  Members do the following:

  • discuss and recommend to the Executive Committee ideas about programs that will interest Club members and enhance the Club’s mission.

  • contact potential speakers and arrange for their presentations at Club meetings

  • provide equipment for presentations, as needed

  • provide refreshments for meeting programs, as needed

Chairperson: Bernadette Maher 

Nominating Committee

This ad hoc committee recommends suitable leaders for the Club.  Members’ responsibilities include:

  •  screening applicants 

  •  determining a slate of candidates at the end of each calendar year 

  •  recommending a slate for a vote at each January meeting 


Chairperson: changes annually

Bylaws Committee

This ad hoc committee assures that the rules and guidelines of the JFK Club are appropriate, comprehensive, and current.  Responsibilities of members include:

  • reviewing bylaws for clarity

  • proposing amendments to the bylaws for consideration by the Executive Committee and a vote by Club members 

  • writing amendments to the Club’s bylaws, as needed

Length of membership:   one year  

Special Events Committee

This committee organizes events sponsored by the JFK Club and assists with those in which JFK Club members participate (such as the Franklin Day Festival, National Night Out, and Franklin Twp. holiday parades).  Responsibilities of members include:

  • marching in parades, carrying banners/signs and wearing clothing that identifies the group as Democratic

  • representing the Club at township events to help increase the Club’s visibility 

  • working at the annual Dan Glicklich Memorial Picnic  

Length of membership:  2 years, or longer, as needed

Chairperson: Jocelyn Thomas

Elections Committee

This committee works to publicize and get elected the Democratic candidates in Franklin Township as well as the Somerset County candidates, NJ state house legislative candidates, Senate and congressional candidates, and the Presidential candidate. 

At the discretion of the Franklin campaign chair, members work on the following initiatives, as well as others as needed:

  • registering new voters

  • canvassing (going door-to-door with campaign literature)

  • phone banking (calling Democrats to remind them to vote)

  • distributing Vote by Mail applications and working on other initiatives as needed

Chair:  Rich Rodgers

Membership Committee

This committee works to increase the membership of the Club as well as maintain the interest of current members. Responsibilities include:

  •  talking with passers-by at events where the Club participates to interest people in joining

  •  introducing new members to the Club at their first meeting

  •  producing marketing materials that increase visibility of the Club (such as pamphlets, shirts)

  •  suggesting to Digital Media Committee publicity ideas that will help attract new people to the Club

Chairperson:  Bob Hudak

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